Frontline Responder Services very own John Becker was invited on Living Clean & Sober.
Living Clean & Sober explores what it’s like to live and sober.
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to Living Clean and Sober with Johnny Raggs & Ken MacDonald
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About Advanced Health & Education and Frontline Responder Services
Addiction can ruin relationships and destroy your future. Advanced Health and Education’s New Jersey drug rehab and alcohol rehab treatment center can give you or your loved one the tools needed to recover from addiction.
The mission at our rehab center in NJ is to provide effective addiction recovery services to adults suffering from alcoholism or other drug addiction (including, cocaine, heroin, painkillers and prescription drug addiction).
Each client at Advanced Health and Education’s rehabilitation center in NJ is assigned a team of therapists to plan, carry out, and monitor every part of the recovery process.
Our team of treatment professionals has spent decades working in substance abuse treatment programs, helping people get and stay clean and teaching the coping skills that will carry them into long-term recovery.
Clients attending treatment programs at our New Jersey alcohol and drug rehab center will find peaceful surroundings and a positive treatment community. Clients also have access to alternative and exercise therapies include access to chiropractic services, acupuncture, yoga, and exercise classes.
About Frontline Responder Services
Our staff of former first responders help to create an environment of therapeutic comfort and ease through sharing in their own experiences.
At Sprout Health Group, we acknowledge and understand the underlying sources of a First Responders’ reaction to the stresses of everyday life…and support their path back to their family and job.
- Active and retired First Responders with backgrounds in peer support, peer counseling, employee assistance and crisis interventions
- Clinical therapists who have extensive years of training and experience exclusively working with First Responders
- We are developing the area’s largest network of Alumni and Peer Support for First Responders in Recovery

John Becker Jr. has experience as a police officer, clinician, and outreach professional. John also possesses a personal understanding of substance abuse among first responders, having overcome addiction in his own life. He is the Director of First Responder Services, for Sprout Health Group and was instrumental in developing and implementing Frontline Responder Services. John is an active member of the Montgomery County (PA) Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Team and is certified by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF) for individual and group interventions. As a member of the Employee Assistance Professionals Association (EAPA), John is skilled in working with unions, human resource departments, internal and external EAP’s, agency counseling units, and peer support organizations. John is also a member of the Association of Traumatic Stress Specialists (ATSS) and has earned the designation of Certified Trauma Responder (CTR). Additionally, John is a member of the National Police Suicide Foundation. John continues to provide training to agencies and organizations, throughout the country, on topics such as stress, trauma, suicide, and addiction, as they relate to first responders. He can be reached at 215-833-1572 or